The RVS Utility Billing System is a collection of programs and tools designed to aid the bookkeepers, operators, managers and auditors of small municipalities and utilities. Over 2000 small cities and water utility companies across the nation rely on RVS for the best in utility management software.
Unlike other utility billing programs that are available, RVS Utility Billing Software was designed and written by someone with hands-on experience in the utility industry. Jay Rogers served as both the director and secretary-treasurer for a water supply corporation. After creating RVS, Jay and his wife Lynette spent several years providing billing services for this corporation while Jay continued to improve upon his software by adding features to speed data entry and make the software easier to use. Since then, the program has continued to evolve and improve. There are now over two thousand utility systems using the RVS Utility Billing System to make their day-to-day work faster and easier. As regulations change and our customers suggest improvements, RVS continues to evolve.
With over 30 years experience serving the utility industry, RVS has created a system to maximize the efficiency of your operation. In addition to our primary focus, the RVS Utility Billing System, we also have other tools available that work with the RVS Utility Billing System to make your job even easier. We offer customized or standard billing forms, handheld readers, point-of-sale systems, and more.

Learn why thousands of systems nationwide rely on RVS to meet their utility billing needs!